Business Introduction
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- Last updated:2023-05-10
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1.Responsible to the security management to the Center and detainees in it.
2. Handle the regular training and duty distribution to administrators.
3.Handle the distribution of preservation of detainee,s diet, clothing, bed utensils and other daily life utensils.
4.Execute hygiene and cleaning affairs.
5.Handle the reception and remote reception applications from detainee,s relatives; check detainee’s mails sent in/out and articles sent into the Center.
6.Execute reward/punishment to detainees in the Center.
7.Handle the conduction counsel, recreation activities and living management to detainees.
8.Handle the operation to client-assigned production works.
9.Guard detainees to go home from the Center.
10.Handle the job-attending and other after-case works to detainees.
11.Any affair of guard and control..
Counseling assisted by Guard and Control Section:
1. Investigation of the entry of defendants
2. Living counsel of defendants
3. Evaluations of defendants’ behavior and personalities
4. Holding cultural, leisure and physical activities for defendants
5. Reading management of newspapers and books, as well as of the publications of the center.
6. Other counseling issues
Operation assisted by Guard and Control Section:
1. Operation of guidance and skill training programmes
2. Choices of operation categories and layouts of operation plans
3. Purchases, expenses, and maintenance of operational materials
4. Setting operational schedules, evaluations and work payments
5. Operational distribution and changes
6. Devising operation contracts
7. Purchases, expenses, maintenance, inspections and fixing of operation machinery
8. Evaluations, sales and safekeeping of finished products
9. Management of disposition and examination of working staff
10. Other matters related to operations
Health and hygiene assisted by Guard and Control Section:
1.Perform the health plan and manage its facility in the Center and respective instruction items.
2.Perform contagious disease outbreak prevention works.
3.Perform detainee's health inspection task.
4.Perform detainee's medical care works.
5.Manage detention cells’ hygiene works.
6.Make up, store medicines and manage medical apparatuses.
7.Prevent from medicine abuse and counsel it.
8.Report detainee's illness or death.
9.Other health-care-related works.
1.Documents writing, sending, receiving and file archive.
2.Sign and seal official documents.
3.Overheads for any article.
4.Buildings repair.
5.Matters of inmate in-prison and post-imprisonment.
6.Affairs of making status book, facial image and fingerprints.
7.Stuff and money keeping for defendants and inmates.
8.Prison foods keeping and purchasing.
9.Any affair that is not related to other sections.
1.Managing all personnel affairs of the center
2.Management and reports of staff employment, dismissal and promotion
3.Management and promotions of the policies and regulations of personnel
4.Drafting proposals of awards and sanctions
5.Evaluating time sheets and performance of staff
6.Holding relevant training and refresher courses
7.Handle the payment, welfare, insurance, retirement and consolation administration works and others related; manage the Center's personal information.
8.Any affair of personnel
1. Managing all accounting affairs of the center
2. Organizing rough estimates, budgets, and final financial statements
3. Organizing accounting receipts, booklets, reports
4. Execute the other works asked by the superior authorities.
5. Other matters related to accounting affairs and internal evaluations
6.Any affair of accounting
1.Managing all statistical affairs of the center
2.Editing monthly and yearly reports and documents concerning the public affairs of our Detention Center, Branch Prison and Juvenile Detention House
3.Research and development of statistical briefings
4.Execute the other works asked by the superior authorities.
5.Assisting information operations
6.Any affair of statistics
1. Management and promotions of the policies and regulations of government ethics
2. Prevention, discovery and whistle-blowing of corrupt officials and illegal acts
3. Suggestions related to government ethics reform
4. Suggestions related to awards and sanctions of staffs who promote or violate government ethics
5. Safekeeping confidential official information of our center
6. Prevention of damages or destructions, as well as the registration of civil servants’ property
7. Any affair of government ethics