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Keelung Detention Center, Agency of Corrections, Ministry of Justice:Back to homepage



  • Publication Date :
  • Last updated:2023-05-10
  • View count:1072

Q: When are the visiting hours?
A: The visiting hours are 08:30 AM. to 11:30 AM. & 13:30 PM. to 16:30 PM. on weekdays. The same schedule apply to the first Sunday of each month (except national holidays).

Q: Which documents should be carried to register for a visit?
A: The visitors should bring the national identity card and household registration, residence booklet or any sufficient identifiable documents for managers to verify the relationship between the visitors and the inmates. The foreign visitor must bring his/her own passport with a valid visa.

Q: According to the legal aspect, whom should inmate be visited?
A: The rules concerning the visits are as follows:
&nbsp 1. The inmates who are visited
&nbsp &nbsp(1)The prisoners: In accordance with The Prison Act and The Prison Serving Progressive Treatment Act , “An inmate is allowed to be visited and to mail in corresponding with the most intimate kinsfolk and family members only. But when one has the specific reasons, the rule is subject to change.” and ”Level 4 prisoners shall be allowed to receive visitations of and to correspond with their family members”. and ”Prisoners rated Level 3 or higher shall be allowed to receive visitations of and to correspond with individuals other than family members providing such visitations or correspondences shall not obstruct the edification and education of the prisoners.”.”
The term "direct relatives and family" Refers to and includes spouses, lineal relatives, collateral relative within 2 degree of kinship, and relatives by marriage within 3 degree of kinship.
The term "family members" are defined pursuant to Artical 1123 of the Civil Code.
&nbsp &nbsp(2)The defendants: According to the Artical 76 of The Enforcement Rules of the Detention Act,If a visitor is in any of the following cases, the requested visiting may be denied:
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp A. The visitor fails to bring his identification.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp B. The behavior of the visitor is suspicious.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp C. Three or more visitors visiting one defendant at the same time.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp D. The visitor is drunken or insane.

&nbsp 2. The visitor who has not completed the visiting registration shall not substitute the registered visitor or visit the defendant together with the registered visitor.

Q: What’s the frequency of the visits? Frequency and limitation of visitation
&nbsp &nbsp 1.The Prisoners: In accordance with the Article 56 of The Statute of Progressive Execution of Penalty:
The frequency and number of visitation and correspondence privileges of the respective level prisoners shall be as follows:
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp (1). For Level 4 prisoners, once a week. (including prisoners who are not classified).
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp (2). For Level 3 prisoners, once every four days.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp (3). For Level 2 prisoners, once every three days.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp (4). For Level 1 prisoners, no limitations.
&nbsp &nbsp 2. The Defendants: In accordance with the the Article 72 of The Enforcement Rules of the Detention Act” The visiting shall be limited to once a day.”

Q: How to request a visit for special circumstances?
A: As one of the following conditions
The visitors should bring the relevant documents to the Secretary Office for permission ,upon approval ,then schedule a visit in the registration office.
1.If an inmate or her/his grandparents, parents, spouse or children suffer from serious illness.
2.If an inmate’s family suffers from natural disasters or serious accidents.
3.If the most intimate inmate’s relatives are living faraway(for example, areas south of Taichung City, Ilan, Hualien, or Taitung).

Q: For inmates who are prohibited to be visited, may the family members deliver food or other items?
A:The inmates who are prohibited to be visited are only allowed to consult with the lawyers. The relatives may deliver food (no more than 2kgs), books (no more than three paperbacks without any marks or handwritings), money (no more than NTD $8,000), and clothes (no more than six items with no ropes ,hoods ,or other accessories) to the Registration Office with relevant document (household registration or residence booklet) to prove the relationship with the inmates.

Q: What are the basic supplies provided for the newcomers? What can the inmate’s family members prepare for them?
A: The administration office provides basic daily supplies such as personal toiletries and underwears for the newcomers to purchase. The Store also offers supplies with prices lower than the market rate. Family members may deposit money for the inmates or purchase products at the store located at the Registration Office and then they will be delivered to the inmates.

Q: What should the family members of the inmates who are prohibited from visiting be aware of?
A: The fraud and illicit brokerage should be prevented. If anyone try to go through authorities, proceed with bail, arrange special care ,or send petty cash, please report to the Government Ethic Office or Guard and Control Section immediately. The telephone number of the Government Ethic Office :(02)2465-3215;The telephone number of Guard and Control Section:(02)2465-3240 extension 241.

Q: What could the family members do for the inmates if their visits are prohibited ?
A: The family members may appoint a lawyer to register for a visit. If the inmates have to contact family members for appointing a lawyer, The administration office would assist the inmates to send an application form to authorize the family members of lawyer appointment . The application is attached with relevant information on the Legal Aid Foundation, which will provide legal assistance for the family members.

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