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Keelung Detention Center, Agency of Corrections, Ministry of Justice:Back to homepage


Keelung Detention Center Holds Spiritual Education Activities

  • Publication Date :
  • Last updated:2023-06-15
  • View count:189

In order to enable detainees who are in prison to better understand issues such as psychological adjustment, family concept reconstruction, and stress adjustment after returning to society, our firm, Taiwan Rehabilitation Protection Association Keelung Branch and Keelung City Lifeline Association, in 2023 On the morning of January 16, we will conduct spiritual education and counseling activities. It is hoped that through the lectures and sharing by the staff of the Keelung City Lifeline Association, as well as the counseling and connection of the Rehabilitation Protection Association, the detainees can be helped to make psychological adjustment and preparation, and adapt to and return to society as soon as possible. This activity was given by teacher Tu Zhao and participated by 8 inmates.

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